
Writeup memo Pretty Raw (Forensics150) [SharifCTF 7]


SharifCTF 7の Pretty Raw (Forensics150) のWriteupメモ http://ctf.sharif.edu/ctf7/ 問題文 Pretty Raw What is this file? http://ctf.sharif.edu/ctf7/api/download/17 ファイルを確認 $ file pretty_raw pretty_raw: data $ strings pretty_raw ------…

Writeup memo Memory Analysis (Forensics100) [SECCON 2016 Online CTF]


SECCON 2016 Online CTF の Forensics100点の「Memory Analysis」のWriteupメモ score-quals.seccon.jp *問題文 Memory Analysis Find the website that the fake svchost is accessing. You can get the flag if you access the website!! memoryanalysis.z…